Get in touch with yourself through somatics

The body is for us the first step of learning and the first learning tool, the basis of all learning. The American Feldenkrais teacher and founder of his own method, Thomas Hanna, coined the “Somatics” concept, which encompasses a variety of methods, in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In his writings he defined somatics as the “field in which the soma is studied, i.e. the body perceived from within, through self-perception.”

Our first - somatic - learning enables us the most amazing and profound learning processes: the first language acquisition, without any textbook or school, and the discovery of the possibilities of our own body. Both happen in a playful exchange with the environment, through perceiving, reacting, trying out, correcting and repeating.

Get to know somatics and experience somatic methods very practically in our 2-3 hour workshops.

Body-Mind Centering® Fortbildung
Seminarleiter*in Nina Wehnert

Body-Mind Centering® Fortbildung

DE+EN | Sensing and Perception at the finest, cellular level and its expression through movement

In this training program principles and approaches of Body-Mind Centering® are experienced and deepened. Through anatomical information, through movement, in touch, partnerwork...

Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in March
Seminarleiter*inHeike Kuhlmann

Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in March

DE + EN | drop-in

With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in a physical structure, like the bones, allows one to...

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in March
Seminarleiter*inBettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in March

DE + EN | 1-day-workshop | 1x quarter

Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal...

Somatic Yoga Teacher Training
Seminarleiter*inMarion Evers, Katja Münker

Somatic Yoga Teacher Training

280h | Unfolding resonances: Traditional yoga combined with modern somatic methods

What does the Somatic Yoga Basic Training focus on? The Somatic Yoga Advanced Training is based on the form-expanding and -liquefying experience of the Somatic Yoga Basic...

Unlock! The Pelvic Power Within
Seminarleiter*inTiziana Longo

Unlock! The Pelvic Power Within

EN | Series 5x Friday

This course blends body-based practices with the latest research on pelvic health and trauma recovery. As a trauma-sensitive course, it is important to prioritize the...



Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the

Become a Somatic Movement Educator | Start March 31, 2025

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

Somatic Yoga Teacher Training | Start March 14, 2025

Somatic Yoga is an open yoga system which,

Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

What options of funding and support are available for our

What is Somatics?

As a relatively new term, Somatics defines a variety of