Get to know Somatic Methods
Get to know Somatic Methods from experienced practitioners within 2-3h Workshops or in 1-day Workshops at the Somatic Academy Berlin (SAB). Usually each workshop takes place once a month.
2,5h Continuum Workshop
Continuum is known for its focus on slowing down and fine, deep sensory experiences that transition into a self-regulatory and involuntary becoming of movement. Less well known is the way Continuum invites dynamism and more powerful
2h Workshop Somatic Breathwork & Voice
In this somatic breath-voice workshops we dedicate ourselves to a more precise interplay of breath sensation and voice expression.
The healing and balancing effect of the breath unfolds when we do not force our breathing to
3h Body-Mind Centering® Berlin Workshop
With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in a physical structure, like the bones, allows one to discover qualities of movement, that are
3h Feldenkrais Workshop
The Feldenkrais method is a gentle movement and perception practice. These workshops "Awareness through Movement" are dedicated to everyday movements and focus on common difficulties: shoulder/neck tension, back pain, jaw tension, foot/knee/hip discomfort, breathing strain, eye
T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Somatic Combo
Dancing Tigers
T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo
Healing comes by activating inner will and acknowledging the power of this choice to awaken the tiger which has been
Embodied Release: A Trauma-Informed Dance for Healing Through Movement
ER is a holistic approach founded by Tiziana Longo, inspired by Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing, David Berceli's Tension and Trauma Release Exercises (T.R.E.), and the nature of butoh along with
1-day-workshop Atem-Tonus-Ton® - Voice from head to toe
Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal expression in connection with a well-toned and permeable body, the desire to show
Somatic Breathwork & Voice Workshop in January
DE+EN | drop-in
In this somatic breath-voice workshops we dedicate ourselves to a more precise interplay of breath sensation and voice expression. The healing and balancing effect of the...
Q&A Somatic Basics | What is somatics?
DE+EN | introduction in somatics | free
Somatics focuses on the potential of our sensing and sensed body in various body-perception approaches: for example, with accessible sensory and movement abilities, with the...
The Art of Attention
EN | 4-day workshop Continuum with Tone Gilje
Through enlivening and activating our perceptual awareness, and as we slow down we will begin to recognize the familiar patterns, cultural imprints and limitations that sets...
Trauma and Self-Regulation
DE | 2-day workshop with Pia Witthöft | part 1
The consequences of trauma are diverse and always have an impact on the body: Body awareness, the ability to feel oneself and to experience one's own body as a safe place, to...
Body-Mind Centering®: Belonging and Transformation
DE+EN | 5x Thursday with Julia Kleinknecht | drop-in
Five evenings about belonging, transformation and an embodied relationship to ourselves and our planet. In our busy modern (city-) lives we can easily forget that we are...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in February
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Sunday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Dancing Tigers
EN | series 6x Tuesday | T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo
Dancing Tigers T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo Healing comes by activating inner will and acknowledging the power of this choice to...
Continuum Workshop in February
DE + EN | drop-in, no pre-registration
2,5h Continuum Workshop | Wednesday | 1x Month Continuum is known for its focus on slowing down and fine, deep sensory experiences that transition into a self-regulatory and...
Body-Mind Centering® Fortbildung
DE+EN | Sensing and Perception at the finest, cellular level and its expression through movement
In this training program principles and approaches of Body-Mind Centering® are experienced and deepened. Through anatomical information, through movement, in touch, partnerwork...
BMC® Festival Diversity and Balance
DE+EN | 4-day-festival
The Body-Mind Centering® Berlin Festival "Diversity and Balance" offers the opportunity to get to know various Berlin teachers in one place and, through 12 very different...
Somatic Breathwork & Voice Workshop in February
DE+EN | drop-in
In this somatic breath-voice workshops we dedicate ourselves to a more precise interplay of breath sensation and voice expression. The healing and balancing effect of the...
Somatics & Trauma
A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the
Become a Somatic Movement Educator | Start March 31, 2025
Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the
Somatic Yoga Teacher Training | Start March 14, 2025
Somatic Yoga is an open yoga system which,
Funding & support for Somatic Trainings
What options of funding and support are available for our
What is Somatics?
As a relatively new term, Somatics defines a variety of