Get to know Somatic Methods

Get to know Somatic Methods from experienced practitioners within 2-3h Workshops or in 1-day Workshops at the Somatic Academy Berlin (SAB). Usually each workshop takes place once a month.

2,5h Continuum Workshop

Continuum is known for its focus on slowing down and fine, deep sensory experiences that transition into a self-regulatory and involuntary becoming of movement. Less well known is the way Continuum invites dynamism and more powerful

2h Workshop Somatic Voice & Breath

In this somatic breath-voice workshops we dedicate ourselves to a more precise interplay of breath sensation and voice expression.

The healing and balancing effect of the breath unfolds when we do not force our breathing to

3h Body-Mind Centering® Berlin Workshop

With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in a physical structure, like the bones, allows one to discover qualities of movement, that are

3h Feldenkrais Workshop

The Feldenkrais method is a gentle movement and perception practice. These workshops "Awareness through Movement" are dedicated to everyday movements and focus on common difficulties: shoulder/neck tension, back pain, jaw tension, foot/knee/hip discomfort, breathing strain, eye

1-day-workshop Atem-Tonus-Ton® - Voice from head to toe

Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal expression in connection with a well-toned and permeable body, the desire to show

Unlock! The Pelvic Power Within

This course blends body-based practices with the latest research on pelvic health and trauma recovery.

As a trauma-sensitive course, it is important to prioritize the creation of a safe, supportive environment

Trauma and Self-Regulation
Seminarleiter*inPia Witthöft

Trauma and Self-Regulation

DE | 2-day workshop with Pia Witthöft

The consequences of traumatisation are manifold and always have an impact on the body: Body awareness, the ability to feel oneself and to experience one's own body as a safe...

Continuum Workshop in March
Seminarleiter*inKai Ehrhardt

Continuum Workshop in March

DE + EN | drop-in, no pre-registration

2,5h Continuum Workshop | Wednesday | 1x Month Continuum is known for its focus on slowing down and fine, deep sensory experiences that transition into a self-regulatory and...

Body-Mind Centering® - Connecting through the Senses
Seminarleiter*inNina Spiri

Body-Mind Centering® - Connecting through the Senses

EN+DE | 5x Thursday with Nina Spiri

Berlin winter sleep is over and spring is coming - the perfect time to activate and open our senses! Through the lens of Body-Mind Centering®, we’ll explore how our sensory...

Contact Improvisation
Seminarleiter*inElske Seidel

Contact Improvisation

DE + EN | 1x week | series in closed group

Together we will learn, research, and gradually discover the subtleties which allow us to dive into a deeply fulfilling experience – moving in solo and in contact. Contact...

Dancing Tigers
Seminarleiter*inTiziana Longo

Dancing Tigers

EN | series 6x Tuesday | T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo

Dancing Tigers T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo Healing comes by activating inner will and acknowledging the power of this choice to...

Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in April
Seminarleiter*inHeike Kuhlmann

Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in April

DE + EN | drop-in

3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...

Continuum Workshop in April
Seminarleiter*inKai Ehrhardt

Continuum Workshop in April

DE + EN | drop-in, no pre-registration

2,5h Continuum Workshop | Wednesday | 1x Month Continuum is known for its focus on slowing down and fine, deep sensory experiences that transition into a self-regulatory and...

What is somatics?
Seminarleiter*inKatja Münker

What is somatics?

EN | introduction in somatics | online | free

Somatics focuses on the potential of our sensing and sensed body in various body-perception approaches: for example, with accessible sensory and movement abilities, with the...

Contact Improvisation
Seminarleiter*inElske Seidel

Contact Improvisation

DE + EN | 1x week | series in closed group

Together we will learn, research, and gradually discover the subtleties which allow us to dive into a deeply fulfilling experience – moving in solo and in contact. Contact...



Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the

Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

What options of funding and support are available for our

Closing date for registration Mar 16th | Become a Somatic Movement Educator

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

What is Somatics?

As a relatively new term, Somatics defines a variety of