Somatic Beginnings
The body - experienced as the medium of life - is the first field of learning and the first means of learning for all of us, the basis of all learning. The American Feldenkrais teacher and founder of his own method, Thomas Hanna, coined the concept of "Somatics" in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In his writings, he defined somatics as the "field in which the soma is explored, i.e. the body perceived from within through self-awareness."
Our first - somatic - learning allows us the most amazing and profound learning processes: the first language acquisition, completely without textbooks and school, and the discovery of the possibilities of our own body. Both happen in a playful exchange with the environment, through perceiving, reacting, trying out, correcting and repeating.
Explore and experience what somatics mean to you in our 2-3h workshops.
Q&A on professional training to become a Somatic Movement Educator | Somatic Basics Year
Q&A | online | in EN
Become a Somatic Movement Educator Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the practice and pedagogy of embodiment and is certified and recognized by the...
Somatic Breathwork & Voice Workshop in March
DE+EN | drop-in
In this somatic breath-voice workshops we dedicate ourselves to a more precise interplay of breath sensation and voice expression. The healing and balancing effect of the...
Unlock! The Pelvic Power Within
EN | Series 5x Friday
This course blends body-based practices with the latest research on pelvic health and trauma recovery. As a trauma-sensitive course, it is important to prioritize the...
Trauma and Self-Regulation
DE | 2-day workshop with Pia Witthöft
The consequences of traumatisation are manifold and always have an impact on the body: Body awareness, the ability to feel oneself and to experience one's own body as a safe...
Continuum Workshop in March
DE + EN | drop-in, no pre-registration
2,5h Continuum Workshop | Wednesday | 1x Month Continuum is known for its focus on slowing down and fine, deep sensory experiences that transition into a self-regulatory and...
Body-Mind Centering® - Connecting through the Senses
EN+DE | 5x Thursday with Nina Spiri
Berlin winter sleep is over and spring is coming - the perfect time to activate and open our senses! Through the lens of Body-Mind Centering®, we’ll explore how our sensory...
Contact Improvisation
DE + EN | 1x week | series in closed group
Together we will learn, research, and gradually discover the subtleties which allow us to dive into a deeply fulfilling experience – moving in solo and in contact. Contact...
Somatic Basics Year | Training in German
Consciously experience the body
Get in touch with yourself in a deep and subtle way - Enabling unfolding and development We believe that people strive to develop and grow. The aim of our Somatic Basics...
Somatische Bewegungspädagog*in Ausbildung
Somatics is a distinct professional (field) concerned with the practice and pedagogy of bodily connectedness (embodiment). Somatics supports others to connect directly and...
Dancing Tigers
EN | series 6x Tuesday | T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo
Dancing Tigers T.R.E. Tension/Release and Trauma Healing Oriented Somatic Combo Healing comes by activating inner will and acknowledging the power of this choice to...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in April
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...