Somatic Breath & Voice Workshops

Entdecke oder vertiefe Atem- & Stimmerfahrungen auf der Basis somatischer Methoden:

Somatic Voice - Methods intensive
Seminarleiter*inWalli Höfinger

Somatic Voice - Methods intensive

DE | 5-day workshop with Walli Höfinger

Possibilities of expression & tones of voice - related to Roy Hart With Walli Höfinger, the exploration of our voice in all its expressive possibilities and timbres can...

Breath and sound deepening - part 1
Seminarleiter*inMarion Evers, Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Breath and sound deepening - part 1

DE+EN | 3-day workshop Somatic Voice with Marion Evers & Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

"Voices are as individual, fascinating and diverse as people are." This Somatic Voice workshop focuses on our breathing and sound spaces. We explore these with the...

Experiential Breath Dialogue related to Middendorf
Seminarleiter*inHiltrud Lampe

Experiential Breath Dialogue related to Middendorf

DE | 4-day workshop Somatic Hands on with Hiltrud Lampe

Our breath moves the whole body when we are receptive to the movement of the breath. During a "breath dialogue", one person lies clothed on the table and the other touches the...

Breath and sound deepening - part 2
Seminarleiter*inMarion Evers, Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Breath and sound deepening - part 2

DE+EN | 3-day workshop Somatic Voice with Marion Evers & Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

"Voices are as individual, fascinating and diverse as people are." This Somatic Voice workshop focuses on deepening our breath experiencing and the Atem-Tonus-Ton® approach....

Confidence // Somatic Yoga & Breath
Seminarleiter*inMarion Evers, Katja Münker

Confidence // Somatic Yoga & Breath

DE+EN | Workshop with Marion Evers

Allowing the breath to be It approaches within the theme CONFIDENCE the fundamental structure of the breath: the possibility to direct the breath willingly, such as in the...

Collective voices & individual singing
Seminarleiter*inMarion Evers, Martin van Emmichoven

Collective voices & individual singing

DE+EN | 3-day workshop Somatic Voice with Marion Evers & Martin van Emmichoven

In this workshop/module we dedicate ourselves to different forms of individual and collective voice improvisation. If the free sounding of one's own voice is also bodily...

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in September
Seminarleiter*inBettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in September

DE + EN | 1-day-workshop | 1x quarter

Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal...

Speaking & Speech/Language
Seminarleiter*inMarion Evers, Dr. Undine Eberlein, Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Speaking & Speech/Language

DE+EN | 3-day workshop Somatic Voice with Marion Evers, Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt & Dr. Undine Eberlein

Deepen the somatic basics of breath, breath-tone-tone as well as the applied philosophy in the subject of speech and language. Firstly we will devote ourselves to speaking,...



Difficulties with the booking?

Dear friends of the Somatic Academy (SAB),

As some of you

Somatics & Trauma

A significant proportion of traumatic experiences are stored in the

Funding & support for Somatic Trainings

What options of funding and support are available for our

Closing date for registration Mar 16th | Become a Somatic Movement Educator

Somatics is a distinct professional field concerned with the

What is Somatics?

As a relatively new term, Somatics defines a variety of