Contact Improvisation

- Contact Improvisation

DE + EN | 1x week | series in closed group

Together we will learn, research, and gradually discover the subtleties which allow us to dive into a deeply fulfilling experience – moving in solo and in contact.

2h Contact Improvisation | Thursday | 8:00-10:00pm

Series in fall | Sep 05 - Nov 21, 2024 | closed group, no drop-in possible

The fall series offers insight into core principles, movement skills and qualities essential for dancing Contact Improvisation. We will redefine touch and its social implication by experiencing the skin as a sense organ in its ability to listen and read our moving weight. In a dance which explores and plays with sharing weight, we are refining the awareness of our bodies and its relationship toward gravity.

Among many other aspects, we will explore the subtleties of leaning, the lightness of giving and supporting weight, states of of being relaxed and ready, techniques of falling, landing and rising, and the playfulness and joy of moving together in Contact.
Together we will learn, research, and gradually discover the subtleties which allow us to dive into a deeply fulfilling experience – moving in solo and in contact.

Classes will build up successively, are open for all levles, and can be booked as continuation of the Spring and Summer Series to invite continuous practice.

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

How does practicing Contact Impro look like?

In preparation to dance we develop our relationship to the floor, finding effortless, fluid, organic ways to organize our bodies. Communicating through touch, we learn a subtle precise somatic language that expands the quality and possibilities of our movement and experiencing itself. From slow to dynamic typical practice ranges from rolling, falling, sliding, spiraling, following a physical point of contact to supporting or giving weight.



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Elske Seidel

based in Berlin, is a passionate CI dancer & teacher, deeply committed to CI and its community internationally. She has been teaching dance full time and wholeheartedly for three decades, CI since 2004.

Her boundless fascination and joy exploring and researching Contact Improvisation in all its depth and subtleties, inspires her workshops, privates, ongoing classes, and each of the projects she creates. Her work recognizes nature, improvisation and teaching itself as core sources for knowledge and understanding. Meeting the moment, she offers organic support for the individual and the instant community as it emerges, allowing each to feel, find and follow what they need to learn and dance. She is the artistic director of the Annual Contact Festival & Camp Fuerteventura/ Spain, Contact Jahresgruppe Berlin, Nature as Teacher Workshops co-creates Contact Year Hamburg and Dance Your Question: CI Research Week for Experienced Contact Dancers.


8:00 - 10:00pm
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
  • Earlybird: 175.00 EUR
  • Full Price: 200.00 EUR
Zahlung Keine Einzelbuchung

What does participation cost?

200€ | full price for the whole series
175€ | early bird until Aug 08, 2024

Please pay directly to the facilitator.

For more information and registration please contact Elske Seidel directly here.


Elske Seidel

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
ZahlungKeine Einzelbuchung
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor