Dimension & Connectedness / Baltic Sea

- Dimension & Connectedness / Baltic Sea

8-day Workshop of Environmental Somatics with Katja Münker | Baltic Sea

This workshop expands and deepens orientation skills by exploring the experiential dimensions of height, depth, expanse, closeness, and distance. Philosophical and neuroscientific foundations are used to provide a deeper understanding of relatedness and empathy. The somatic emphasis is on the perception of space and environment, the breath, and the ability of resonance. Based on the Feldenkrais Method, experiential anatomy, as well as improvisation & meditation exercises, an empathic body-environment presence is trained, and sensory and aesthetic criteria for action orientation are developed.

This workshop is also a module of the continuing education Environmental Somatics TrainingIt will be at the baltic sea and is recognized as educational leave in Berlin.

Further information about the complete training you can see in the detailled information. Please do not hesitate contacting Katja Muenker directly if you have questions. 

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


Kosten & Daten



Single module - all modules can be booked seperately as well

600€ | 500€ early bird until 15th of March 2024

+ costs for accommodation, meals and traveling (approx. €500 per person)

Complete professional training Environmental Somatics




4th - 11th of May 2024


  • Earlybird: 500.00 EUR
  • Full Price: 600.00 EUR
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal

This workshop is also a module of the continuing education Environmental Somatics TrainingIt will be at the baltic sea and is recognized as educational leave in Berlin.

Further information about the complete training you can see in the detailled information. Please do not hesitate contacting Katja Muenker directly if you have questions.


Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
  • Earlybird 500.00 EUR
  • Full Price 600.00 EUR
ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal