- Emerge - Contact Improvisation Workshop
3-day workshop with Heike Kuhlmann | DE+EN
giving weight / taking weight
3 days of Contact Improvisation - giving weight / taking weight. This is the focus of the first weekend of module 8 of the Emerge training, which can also be booked individually. All 3 weekends together then lead to a joint final performance on the last day.
Please don´t hesitate to contact Heike Kuhlmann directly if you have questions.
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

Heike Kuhlmann
MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography
Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on: www.somatik-tanz-choreographie.de, www.heikekuhlmann.net
300€ | performance project
Sep 13 - 15, 2024
BerlinSomatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
- Full Price: 300.00 EUR
This workshop is part of the continuing education Emerge and the beginning of a co-creation performanceproject as well. Please don´t hesitate to contact Heike Kuhlmann directly if you have questions.