Fascia balance and upright posture: the Rolfing® method

- Fascia balance and upright posture: the Rolfing® method

Module 1 with Dr. Adjo Zorn

What does the module focus on?

In this module we will focus on physical movement, especially fascia and upright posture. Dr. Adjo Zorn will introduce his approach of process-oriented Rolfing.

Questions will be discussed such as:

  • What constitutes an upright posture?
  • Is it innate or can it be learned?
  • Can you influence another person's posture with your own hands?
  • Is it even possible to maintain good posture throughout the day?
  • What role do fasciae play in an upright posture?
  • Do the fasciae work properly for me?
  • How can I improve their condition "from the inside"?
  • Can I influence the fascia of another person with my hands?

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

What is HANDS ON about?

In keeping with the integrative and interdisciplinary approach of the Somatic Academy, in this training we give a focus to various individual somatic treatment approaches.

Often Somatic Methods impart their knowledge in the context of movement and sensory education classes or group instruction. In doing so, some methods have also developed a large treatment vocabulary for one-on-one sessions.

Each module and the method(s) it contains has its own focus. Direct, sensing and 'listening' touch play a central role. The numerous, concrete skills and techniques that are taught meet the conscious participation of the recipient. The experience of being touched and being treated thus intertwine in individual somatic work. They are interdependent and thus become more deeply effective for the person being treated - as well as a source for personal learning and change through the felt body.


1. Rolfing®
2. Funktional Integration - Feldenkrais
3. Body Mind Centering®
4. Elements of Embryology
5. Elements of Cranio Sacral Therapy
6. Elements of Laban/Bartenieff
7. Breath Dialogue - Middendorf
8. NeuroAffective Touch
9. Sensory Experiencing


At any time it is possible to participate and entry to the complete training, because all modules are repeated cyclically.

Module 3

Dec 12-15, 2024 | Functional Integration | Feldenkrais Methode with Bernhard Mumm

  • Self-exploration, partner work, being moved and moving, exploring qualities of touch, living anatomy
  • Through touch and movement, givers and receivers sense movement patterns and limitations together
  • Discover previously unused movement potential and playfully expand the range of motion

Module 4

Mar 06-09, 2025 | Cells & body systems | BMC® | IBMT with Odile Seitz-Walser

  • Dialogue between the body, sensations, emotions, thoughts and experiences at the tissue and cellular level, both in the hands of the practitioner and in the body-mind of the client
  • A journey into the unknown, into the self-organizing forces of the thinking, feeling, expressing and living body, the soma
  • A journey into the past knowledge and experience of embryology and development

Module 5

Jun 05-08, 2025 | Experiential Breath related to Middendorf with Hiltrud Lampe

  • Breath moves the whole body when we are permeable to the movement of breath
  • "breath conversations", perceiving vibrations of the breath in the body.
  • Permeability for the breath can grow and the feeling for space and one's own rhythm can flourish, also being touched, strength and serenity can come along.
  • Introduction to feelings, trust and encounter - because breath connects

Module 6

Sep 30 - Oct 05, 2025 | Sensory Experiencing: Trauma & Touch with Jane Okondo

  • Touch-based work supports skill development and listening to resolve trauma stored in body tissues
  • Exploring different ways to combine touch and relationship to create a new somatic base and coherence so that unconscious behavioral responses are held and a new sense of self emerges

Module 1

tba 2026 | Resetting the Nervous System - how stress and trauma differ - with Dynamic Embodiment® Touch and Movement with Dr. Martha Eddy

  • Make contact with the CranioSacral rhythm and CerebroSpinal fluid and apply to other tissues - organs, muscles, bones, some of the senses and some of the various circulating fluids of the body
  • Phrasing touch using the Dynamic Embodiment approach that begins with CranioSacral HarmonicsTM as the foundation for deep access to each tissue type of the body's various physiological systems

Module 2

tba 2026 | Faszia balancing and standing upright | Rolfing® Methode with Dr. Adjo Zorn

prozess-oriented Rolfing® with focussing on these quastions:

  • What constitutes an upright posture? Is it innate or can it be learned?
  • Can you influence another person's posture with your own hands?
  • Is it even possible to maintain good posture throughout the day?
  • What role do fasciae play in an upright posture?
  • Do the fasciae work properly for me?
  • How can I improve their condition "from the inside"?
  • Can I influence the fascia of another person with my hands?


What will the Continuing Education Somatic Hands on enable to do?

It allows you to grow your expereinces and know how with a broad spectrum of methods, their strengths, effects, similarities, complements, differences and limitations. Of course, each individual method has more knowledge to offer. This training provides an overview, imparts basic knowledge and inspires an inter-disciplinary way of working. Each module teaches and concludes with a treatment sequence that addresses the entire body.

For whom is this program?

This program is for lay people, somatic professionals, bodyworkers, therapists, teachers, creatives - anyone who wants to experience and learn about the powerful impact attentive touch has on the emotional and physical wellbeing.

The entire training is certified by the Somatic Academy Berlin. All modules can be booked separately. It is recommended to receive and to give a minimum of 4 treatments after participating. 




Dr. Adjo Zorn


Rolfer - Supervisor for clinical psychotherapists - Physicist

Dr. Adjo Zorn is a Rolfer in private practice - Basic Rolfing® Certification (1994), Rolf Movement® Integration Certification (1996), Advanced Rolfing® Certification (1999). He holds a PhD in physics and has researched and published on fascia physiology. He has also been a supervisor for clinical psychotherapists since 2003.


10am - 5:30pm
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
  • Full Price: 590.00 EUR
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal

This module is part of the continuing education Somatic Hands On. It is seperatly bookable as well:

Fascia balance and upright posture: the Rolfing® method

4-day workshop Somatic Hands on with Adjo Zorn
tba 2026

>> more information


Dr. Adjo Zorn

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
  • Full Price 590.00 EUR
ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor