
- Initiation

Somatic Basics Training Module 6

  • Contents: birth + dying - transitions / part 2 - releasing attachments - celebrating change
  • Principles: death / birth - embeddedness - basic trust - transcendence - energy - activity / passivity - being - surrender - sexuality - love
  • Body Systems: uprightness, flexion, extension / embryology - sexual organs / birth

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

What is the Somatics Basics Training?

In the interplay of different methods such as Continuum, Feldenkrais Method, Middendorf's Breath Experience, Body-Mind Centering®, experiential anatomy, Authentic Movement and Somatic Yoga, experiences and cognitive processes arise that are of great value for one's own development.

On the basis of each content-related module focus, we research and experience the corresponding body systems, effective principles, movement patterns, biological and emotional stages of development as well as their personal and social relevance. We make use of the fact that our physical development is in direct connection and interaction with our development of consciousness. Experience and reflection give us access to this. We create a space of emotional security and integrate group dynamic processes as support in the individual learning process.

Structure of the Somatics Basics Training

The Somatic Basics Training is part of our Somatic Movement Educator Training. It forms Part 1 comprising 30 days (240 teaching units) over 6 five-day modules spread over one year. Part 1 is primarily for personal growth. Building on this part 2 or an Specialization can be chosen. They enable the student to teach and work with individuals and/or groups.


The Somatic Basics Training combines knowledge from 8 different somatic approaches in the following subjects:

  • Body - practice & experience
  • Body - applied theory
  • Philosophy/ context/ orientation
  • Application/ research/ integration
  • Processing/ individual and social relevance
  • Contained open practice
  • Hands-on


Module 1

Mar 31 - Apr 04, 2025 | Ground

  • Contents: Beginning - being there - focusing sensory attention - the experience of the ground that supports from below - encounter with gravity and its counterforce
  • Principles: Arriving - Trust/ Surrender - Yielding - Tensegrity - Being carried by the ground/ the earth
  • Body Systems: Fascia-Skeleton-Musculature Synergy #1/ Cell & Cell Respiration/ Developmental Movements Overview

Module 2

Jun 23 - Jun 27, 2025 | Space

  • Contents: Distinction interior/ exterior space - spatial perception + spatial experience Alignment in space - recognition of possibilities, multidirectionality - silence - potency
  • Principles: directions/ orientation - kinaesthesia/ tensegrity - synaesthetic interaction of the senses in the perception of space - being carried by space
  • Body Systems: Fascia-skeletal-musculature synergy #2/ diaphragms - horizontal planes/ sensory motor loop/ organs/ front-middle-back body

Module 3

Oct 13 - Oct 17, 2025 | Individuation

  • Contents: I/ others/ experiencing uniqueness - being separated/ being connected - diversity/ integration part 1 - making decisions - balance
  • Principles: limits - wanting + choosing - yes/ no - center + periphery - balance
  • Body Systems: developmental movements/ proprioception/ skin - membranes / ear labyrinth

Module 4

Dec 01 - Dec 05, 2025 | Communication

  • Contents: Communication with oneself, with others, with the environment - perceiving, sensing, feeling, thinking, acting - regulation processes - conflict management
  • Principles: closeness/ distance - diversity/ integration part 2 - flexibility + assertion - fear + solution - empathy - logic - improvisation
  • Body Systems: nervous system/ polyvagal theory/ head, larynx, mouth, hands/ fluids/ blood

Module 5

Mar 02 - Mar 06, 2026 | Change

  • Contents: withstanding emptiness / creating space - being changed / changing - transitions / part 1
  • Principles: flexibility + hold - wish / desire / inspiration - confusion / irritation / disorientation - not knowing / carried in being
  • Body Systems: fluids - lymph / heart / lungs / rib cage

Module 6 

Apr 27 - May 01, 2026 | Initiation

  • Contents: birth + dying - transitions / part 2 - releasing attachments - celebrating change
  • Principles: death / birth - embeddedness - basic trust - transcendence - energy - activity / passivity - being - surrender - sexuality - love
  • Body Systems: uprightness, flexion, extension / embryology - sexual organs / birth


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Kai Ehrhardt

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, Breath Therapist/based on the work developed by Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Continuum Teacher and Heilpraktiker (Psychotherapy)

"I had the honor and privilege to learn from the two founders Prof. Ilse Middendorf (Perceptible Breath / Erfahrbarer Atem) and Emilie Conrad (Continuum) and I am pleased to be able to pass on this work." Since 2012, Kai has been developing professional trainings at the Somatic Academy as well as programs dedicated to the application of Somatics in everyday life. He has been a co-curator of the Body IQ festival since 2015. Since 2003, he has developed the approach "Authentic Eros", which integrates - as a somatic application - bodywork, relationship communication and group-dynamic processes in the area of personal and interpersonal development. He is a member of the professional associations Atem, Continuum and ISMETA.

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Marion Evers 

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, M.A. in Theatre, Linguistics & Political Science, Embodiment Research, Breath Therapist, Somatic Voice Work, Somatic Yoga

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, studied Theatre, French Linguistics & Political Science Cologne, Berlin, Marseille, M.A. "From Actor to Performer "1998, studies in Performance Arts, work in the field of directing/dramaturgy, speaker, moderator. The interest in a stronger integration of theory and practice leads to the foundation of the Somatic Academy, Embodiment Research, Body Phenomenological Foundations, Critical Somatics, Social Body & Body Politics in relation to somatic practices in their social and political relevance of "somatics" today.

Somatic Movement Educator (RSME/ISMETA), Somatic Yoga & Somatic Voice Trainer, Breath Therapist according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Yoga Teacher (BDY/EYU)
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Katja Münker

Dance | Choreography | Performance | Somatics | Artistic Research | Walking Art | Mountain Hiking Guiding

Continuing education lecturer and director of Environmental Somatics and EMERGE/ Somatic in Dance at the Somatische Akademie Berlin. Member of the German Feldenkrais Association & ISMETA-registered RSME/RSMT/RSDE.

Trained as a physical therapist, Feldenkrais teacher, and mountain hiking guide, as well as in contemporary dance, (contact) improvisation, instant composition.

Conscious and embodied learning, the potential between individual freedom and collective inclusion in the environment, as well as joy, ease, and consciousness in the movement are the focus of her teaching. Her research-oriented practice is informed by deep-sensing investigation and reflecting evaluation. Beyond teaching her work includes performance projects, conference papers, and publications focusing on somatics and choreography, as well as on walking. Regular teaching at universities including FU Berlin, UdK Berlin, and HZT Berlin. Artistic research collaboration with AREAL_artistic research lab Berlin.

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Heike Kuhlmann

MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography 

Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on:


Kosten & Daten

Dates of the complete Somatic Basics Training

22nd of April 2024 - 11th of April 2025

  • 22.04.-26.04.2024 | Module 1 | Ground
  • 10.06.-14.06.2024 | Module 2 | Space
  • 23.09.-27.09.2024 | Module 3 | Individuation
  • 06.11.-10.11.2024 | Module 4 | Communication
  • 10.02.-14.02.2025 | Module 5 | Change
  • 07.04.-11.04.2025 | Module 6 | Initiation



2900€ | 2500€ early bird until 22th of December 2023

Monthly installments are possible: 12 ×250€


SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
Zahlung Keine Einzelbuchung

This module is part of the professional training Somatic Basics and can not be booked separately. All modules will take part here:

Somatische Akademie, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30 | 10999 Berlin
22nd of April 2024 - 11th of April 2025


The Somatic Basics Training is the first part of our Somatic Movement Educator Training.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us

The Somatic Basics Training is a certified training by the international professional somatic association ISMETA.


Kai Ehrhardt
Marion Evers
Katja Münker
Heike Kuhlmann

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
ZahlungKeine Einzelbuchung
SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30