Collective voices and choral singing

Somatic Voice Fortbildung - Collective voices and choral singing

DE+EN | 3-day workshop Somatic Voice with Marion Evers & Martin van Emmichoven

Discover your own voice in a variety of choral contexts - from chants to polyphonic singing. We look forward to hear your voice!

In collective singing, we experience in particular the emergence of a musical group body - a physical and musical pleasure that also supports and promotes your own voice. We try our hand at free voice improvisation in the group as well as in more structured musical scores & settings such as circle songs, polyphonic song structures and choral singing.

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

Somatic Voice Training

Within this advanced training we explore in many ways the special bodily dimension of sound and speech. We support the processes of individual liberation and unfolding of individual voices and accompany the emergence of communal, musical, collective processes.

Which somatic methods were experienced?

  • Experiential breath according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf
  • Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Body-Mind-Centering®
  • Ursang
  • Somatic Choir
  • Experiential anatomy
  • Experiential philosophy

For whom is the Somatic Voice training recommended?

  • People who want to get to know their voice
  • People interested in voice and speech
  • Beginners & professionals in the field of voice practice & theory (speech & language scientists)
  • voice & speech therapists
  • psychologists
  • educators

There are no prerequisites for participation. An exploratory interest is desirable in order to get to know new dimensions of one's own 'voice quality'.

A certification for the Somatic Voice advanced training can be obtained if all modules for the advanced training 80 hrs + Somatic Voice - Method intensive / voice work according to Roy Hart with Walli Höfinger 30 hrs are fully attended.

Curriculum of the complete Somatic Voice Training 2024-2025

7 Modules | Friday 6pm - Sunday 2pm | In-depth week Monday - Friday 10am - 5:30pm

Module 1

May 24 - 26, 2024 | Breath and sound deepening 1 | separately bookable

  • Exploration of the Experiential Breath according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf and the approach Atem-Tonus-Ton® by Maria Höller-Zangenfeind
  • Discovery of inner spaces of breath in connection with vocal sound spaces

Module 2

Jun 28 - 30, 2024 | Breath and sound deepening 2 | separately bookable

  • Exploration of the horizontal tension forces and diaphragms of the body with regard to the concrete contact of breath and sound
  • Focus is breath and Atem-Tonus-Ton®

Module 3

Sep 20 - 22, 2024 | Collective voices and individual singing | separately bookable

  • Individual and collective voice improvisation
  • Formation of spontaneous sound fields that are clearly perceptible both within the body and in the surrounding space

Module 4

Oct 18 - 20, 2024 | Speaking and speech/language/emotions | separately bookable

  • Deepening of the somatic basics from breath, Atem-Tonus-Ton® as well as the experiential philosophy in the topic of speech and language
  • In individual and also choral text work, rhythmic and emotional basics of speaking can be experienced as forms of vitality

Module 5

Nov 29 - Dec 01, 2024 | Collective voices and choral singing | separately bookable

  • Exploring one's own voice in a variety of choral contexts
  • Experiencing the musical group sound
  • Vocal improvisation in the group, more structured musical scores & settings such as circle songs, polyphonic song structures and choral singing

Module 6

Jan 17 - 19, 2025 | Somatic Voice Didactic | not separately bookable

  • Didactic basics
  • Practical work including leading in groups

Module 7

Feb 14 - 16, 2025 | Integration und Performance | not separately bookable

  • Only for trainees for the complete Somatic Voice Training
  • Integration and presentation

In-depth week (optional)

May 19 - 23, 2025 | In-depth voice week with Walli Höfinger about voice work related to Roy Hart | separately bookable

  • Discovering one's own competence, perception and willingness to experiment
  • Playful exercises in the group, partner and individual work open a wide field for experiencing one's own voice
  • Recommended as a follow-up to the Somatic Voice training

Please do not hesitate to contact Marion Evers directly, if you have questions.


Curriculum of the complete Somatic Voice Training 2025-2026

7 Modules | Friday 6pm - Sunday 2pm | In-depth week Monday - Friday 10am - 5:30pm

Module 1

May 23 - 25, 2025 | Breath and sound deepening 1 | separately bookable

  • Exploration of the Experiential Breath according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf and the approach Atem-Tonus-Ton® by Maria Höller-Zangenfeind
  • Discovery of inner spaces of breath in connection with vocal sound spaces

Module 2

Jun 27 - 29, 2025 | Breath and sound deepening 2 | separately bookable

  • Exploration of the horizontal tension forces and diaphragms of the body with regard to the concrete contact of breath and sound
  • Focus is breath and Atem-Tonus-Ton®

Module 3

Sep 19 - 21, 2025 | Collective voices and individual singing | separately bookable

  • Individual and collective voice improvisation
  • Formation of spontaneous sound fields that are clearly perceptible both within the body and in the surrounding space

Module 4

Oct 17 - 19, 2025 | Speaking and speech/language/emotions | separately bookable

  • Deepening of the somatic basics from breath, Atem-Tonus-Ton® as well as the experiential philosophy in the topic of speech and language
  • In individual and also choral text work, rhythmic and emotional basics of speaking can be experienced as forms of vitality

Module 5

Nov 28 - 30, 2025 | Collective voices and choral singing | separately bookable

  • Exploring one's own voice in a variety of choral contexts
  • Experiencing the musical group sound
  • Vocal improvisation in the group, more structured musical scores & settings such as circle songs, polyphonic song structures and choral singing

Module 6

Jan 23 - 25, 2026 | Somatic Voice Didactic | not separately bookable

  • Didactic basics
  • Practical work including leading in groups

Module 7

Feb 20 - 22, 2026 | Integration und Performance | not separately bookable

  • Only for trainees for the complete Somatic Voice Training
  • Integration and presentation

In-depth week (optional)

tba, 2026 | In-depth voice week with Walli Höfinger about voice work related to Roy Hart | separately bookable

  • Discovering one's own competence, perception and willingness to experiment
  • Playful exercises in the group, partner and individual work open a wide field for experiencing one's own voice
  • Recommended as a follow-up to the Somatic Voice training


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Marion Evers 

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, M.A. in Theatre, Linguistics & Political Science, Embodiment Research, Breath Therapist, Somatic Voice Work, Somatic Yoga

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, studied Theatre, French Linguistics & Political Science Cologne, Berlin, Marseille, M.A. "From Actor to Performer "1998, studies in Performance Arts, work in the field of directing/dramaturgy, speaker, moderator. The interest in a stronger integration of theory and practice leads to the foundation of the Somatic Academy, Embodiment Research, Body Phenomenological Foundations, Critical Somatics, Social Body & Body Politics in relation to somatic practices in their social and political relevance of "somatics" today.

Somatic Movement Educator (RSME/ISMETA), Somatic Yoga & Somatic Voice Trainer, Breath Therapist according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Yoga Teacher (BDY/EYU)
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Martin van Emmichoven

Certified breath, speech and voice teacher, Gestalt therapist, voice research & tribal singing. Since 2001 researches and develops ritualized singing. Study traditional singing while traveling in Afrika.

Kosten & Daten


1700€ | whole Somatic Voice Training


Nov 28 - 30, 2025 | Friday - Sunday

Friday 6pm - 8:30pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 10am - 2pm

Curriculum of the complete Somatic Voice Training

7 Modules | Friday 6pm - Sunday 2pm | In-depth week Monday - Friday 10am - 5:30pm 


Friday 6pm - 8:30pm Saturday 10am - 5pm Sunday 10am - 2pm
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
  • Full Price: 260.00 EUR
Zahlung Banküberweisung, PayPal

This workshop is also a module of the continuing education Somatic Voice. In our Somatic Breathwork & Voice workshops on Wednesdays you can meet the Somatic Voice team directly on site. 


Marion Evers
Martin van Emmichoven

Daten & Kosten

KursspracheEN + DE
  • Full Price 260.00 EUR
ZahlungBanküberweisung, PayPal
Somatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30