- Critical whiteness as part of somatics
DE | 2-day workshop with Franziska Benkel, Barbara Gamper & Heike Kuhlmann
In a world characterised by historical injustices and contemporary disparities, it is essential to engage with the complex dynamics of race, privilege and power. This workshop on critical whiteness with a somatic perspective uses the space to engage intensively with the embodiments of whiteness. In addition to somatic explorations into one's own and collective history, the aim is to take on multi-layered reflections and shared exchange on the construct of whiteness and possibilities for action. In doing so, we endeavour at creating a safer space, which allows to address the uncomfortable topic of privilege and to establish ways for complicity and social change.
About the format: The workshop will consist of an interplay between theoretical inputs, inner reflection and perception, exchange and somatic practice.
For whom is the workshop recommended?
The somatic field is predominantly white and comes from a middle class social background. With this workshop, we would like to address precisely this field - white and white passing people.
What does the workshop focus on?
This workshop is for people who are invested in adopting a critical perspective on whiteness and are interested in social change. Additionally there is interest in looking at how history has inscribed itself onto white bodies. (It is for people who are not afraid to experience discomfort and are interested in navigating and working with it.) By participating in the workshop, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of race and privilege, as well as the tools and insights needed to actively participate in anti-racist work.
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen
Heike Kuhlmann
MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography
Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on: www.somatik-tanz-choreographie.de, www.heikekuhlmann.net
Barbara Gamper
Artist, performer (MFA Fine Art Goldsmiths, University of London)
Somatic Movement Educator (Somatische Akademie Berlin)
My practice involves performance, participation, somatic techniques and textile objects. I like sites of cross-pollination, overlap, blend, blur, transition, and transformation - niches for other knowledge-making and processes of experience.
In my daily research and practice I endeavour to sense my body as a porous and fluid form — not ending at the skin — and to expand this experience in interconnection with other (human and non-human) organisms and ecologies. Herein unfolds a process of recognising and unlearning the hierarchical system and behavioural patterns, which humans internalise from culture and socialisation, in order to thrive towards a culture of equality, kinship and accountability.
I relate to movement (embodiment/somatics) as a form of care and potential tool for (inter)personal and structural change. In this process empathy, pleasure and play are crucial ingredients.
Daten & Kosten
200€-360€ | sliding scale
We consider €300 to be appropriate for people with a regular income.
BerlinSomatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
- Sozialpreis: 200.00 EUR
- Full Price: 300.00 EUR
- Supporter Price: 360.00 EUR