
DE | 1x week

The focus of the breathing class is to become aware of one's own effortlessly flowing breath. In the admitted and at the same time consciously perceived breath, tonus-balancing and self-regulative possibilities can be hidden and also unfold more effortlessly, under the condition that we do not force the breath to function "correctly", but rather perceive how it shows itself.

This kind of engagement with the breath is beneficial, regenerative and at the same time invigorating and moves beyond the idea that one has to 'train' the breath. In the "experienceable" breath (according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf) deep calmness, composure and alert liveliness can develop. The breath is already there.

No previous experience is necessary, only curiosity about the living breath. A warm welcome!

Please contact directly Marion Evers for more information and possibilities to register for online classes.

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


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Marion Evers 

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, M.A. in Theatre, Linguistics & Political Science, Embodiment Research, Breath Therapist, Somatic Voice Work, Somatic Yoga

Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, studied Theatre, French Linguistics & Political Science Cologne, Berlin, Marseille, M.A. "From Actor to Performer "1998, studies in Performance Arts, work in the field of directing/dramaturgy, speaker, moderator. The interest in a stronger integration of theory and practice leads to the foundation of the Somatic Academy, Embodiment Research, Body Phenomenological Foundations, Critical Somatics, Social Body & Body Politics in relation to somatic practices in their social and political relevance of "somatics" today.

Somatic Movement Educator (RSME/ISMETA), Somatic Yoga & Somatic Voice Trainer, Breath Therapist according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Yoga Teacher (BDY/EYU)


15€ | drop-in
55€ | 4 card
50% reduced for SAB students

Please pay on site directly to the teacher.


SAB Studio 2
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor


Marion Evers


KursspracheEN + DE
SAB Studio 2
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor