Contact Improvisation Intermediate

Contact Improvisation Intermediate

DE+EN | 1x week

Working solo as well as together with one or more partners you will sense and explore within Contact Improvisation your own current situation, recognise its physical and creative possibilities and limitations and play with that. You will be practicing tried and tested movement-pathways and -principles, as well as cultivating your interest in not-knowing, observing and allowing movement to happen and evolve.

Doing so, everyone in class has the change to practice and learn based on their own actual level, state and questions; and by this means actively experience, apply, and increasingly internalise the principles of Contact Improvisation.

The following topics are touched within Contact Impro:

  • orienting and communicating through touch
  • connectedness, permeability and autonomy within one’s own body
  • staying physically and mentally present, receptive and active in any given moment of the dance
  • releasing your own weight while making use of gravity, momentum, and centrifugal force
  • falling and landing safely
  • receiving the weight of your partner in movement, supporting and transporting it
  • becoming familiar and feeling safe with disorientation.

Contact Impro Intermediate | Thursday | 08:00-10:00pm

Series in spring with Elske Seidel | Mar 27 - Jun 26, 2025 | series in a closed group | no drop-in

>> more Infos and registration

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen

How does practicing Contact Impro look like?

In preparation to dance we develop our relationship to the floor, finding effortless, fluid, organic ways to organize our bodies. Communicating through touch, we learn a subtle precise somatic language that expands the quality and possibilities of our movement and experiencing itself. From slow to dynamic typical practice ranges from rolling, falling, sliding, spiraling, following a physical point of contact to supporting or giving weight.



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Elske Seidel

based in Berlin, is a passionate CI dancer & teacher, deeply committed to CI and its community internationally. She has been teaching dance full time and wholeheartedly for three decades, CI since 2004.

Her boundless fascination and joy exploring and researching Contact Improvisation in all its depth and subtleties, inspires her workshops, privates, ongoing classes, and each of the projects she creates. Her work recognizes nature, improvisation and teaching itself as core sources for knowledge and understanding. Meeting the moment, she offers organic support for the individual and the instant community as it emerges, allowing each to feel, find and follow what they need to learn and dance. She is the artistic director of the Annual Contact Festival & Camp Fuerteventura/ Spain, Contact Jahresgruppe Berlin, Nature as Teacher Workshops co-creates Contact Year Hamburg and Dance Your Question: CI Research Week for Experienced Contact Dancers.


Gesine Daniels 

movement practitioner with a very strong base in CI and a focus on somatic movement and improvisation as performance art, bodyworker, dancer/performer, mediator, coach, queer parent, grandparent and family-manager

practice of CI started in the mid 80’s in Germany, the US and in Amsterdam. She is working internationally and mostly as a freelancer I’m teaching CI since the end of the 80’s. My teaching of CI takes place in contexts that span from CI festivals and local workshops and classes to schools, universities and interdisciplinary approaches in the training of social workers, physiotherapists, school teachers and more. People I’ve been working with, come from a wide range of ages, social, educational and local backgrounds. I’m looking forward to sharing my own ongoing research of CI, my joy and fascination with the form and its practice, my knowledge and experience as well as my questions and explorations with you.



The costs vary depending on the instructor and the length of the series.


SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor


Elske Seidel
Gesine Daniels


KursspracheEN + DE
SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor