Feldenkrais method
DE+EN | 1x month
The Feldenkrais method is a gentle movement and perception practice. These workshops "Awareness through Movement" are dedicated to everyday movements and focus on common difficulties: shoulder/neck tension, back pain, jaw tension, foot/knee/hip discomfort, breathing strain, eye strain, fatigue, nervous system agitation, etc.
3h Feldenkrais Berlin Workshop | Friday | 6-9pm | 1x Month
Dates in 2025
- Jan 10
- Feb 28
- Apr 11
- May 16
- Aug 08
- Sep 05
- Oct 31
- Nov 21
Please contact Katja Münker directly to get more information or to register. This workshop will be held in German.
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen
In the Feldenkrais workshop "Awareness through Movement", participants are guided by verbal instructions through movement experiments that they actively follow. In the process, attention is directed by accompanying questions to sensing, for example, contact with the floor or regions of the body. The sequences are oriented towards lightness. They relax, invigorate and promote body awareness, accuracy and flexibility in movement.
Each Feldenkrais workshop is a self-contained unit in which one topic is touched and deepened. Background knowledge such as experiential anatomy and physiology as well as exchange about movement experiences complement the exploratory-experimental learning in movement.
For whom ist this workshop recommended?
The workshops are for people with and without previous experience.
They integrate
- Relaxation & regeneration
- Release from habitual paths of movement & discover new possibilities
- Regulation of tension states in the musculature, in the fascia connective tissue & in the nervous system
- Activation of strength, endurance & ability to concentrate
- Self-care, resilience & creativity
- Awareness & presence
Katja Münker
Dance | Choreography | Performance | Somatics | Artistic Research | Walking Art | Mountain Hiking Guiding
Continuing education lecturer and director of Environmental Somatics and EMERGE/ Somatic in Dance at the Somatische Akademie Berlin. Member of the German Feldenkrais Association & ISMETA-registered RSME/RSMT/RSDE.
Trained as a physical therapist, Feldenkrais teacher, and mountain hiking guide, as well as in contemporary dance, (contact) improvisation, instant composition.
Conscious and embodied learning, the potential between individual freedom and collective inclusion in the environment, as well as joy, ease, and consciousness in the movement are the focus of her teaching. Her research-oriented practice is informed by deep-sensing investigation and reflecting evaluation. Beyond teaching her work includes performance projects, conference papers, and publications focusing on somatics and choreography, as well as on walking. Regular teaching at universities including FU Berlin, UdK Berlin, and HZT Berlin. Artistic research collaboration with AREAL_artistic research lab Berlin.
Daten & Kosten
55€ | drop in
40€ | early bird with registration and payment until 3 weeks before
28€ | for students of the SAB (Somatic Basic Year, Somatic Pedagogy, EMERGE Environmental Somatics & Somatic Yoga)
please pay on site, directly to the facilitator
BerlinSomatische Akademie Berlin
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor
Katja MünkerDates & Costs
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor