Somatic Yoga
DE | 1x week
We combine the traditional shapes and forms of yoga - asanas - into evenly flowing sequences - flows.
A continuous change of becoming and passing. Then we slow down the smooth flow of movement more and more, gathering and unfolding in and out of each asana, holding, releasing and creating anew. In this way, we immerse ourselves more and more into the fluid and moving depth of the body that once gave birth to this asana form.
Through Somatic Yoga, traditional asana series of yoga are expanded through organic and fluid movement sequences. The invitation to feel the body deeply is conveyed through the conscious somatic address of, among other things, the fascial structures of the body and enables a joyful and serene approach to form.
Please contact directly Marion Evers for questions and registration.
Ausführliche Seminarinformationen
What does Somatic Yoga mean?
Somatic Yoga is an open yoga system which, in combination with the Feldenkrais Method, Continuum and the Experiential Breath according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf, strengthens and moves the aspects of embodiment in the yoga practice. In this way, an awareness between design and self-organization can develop in movement, asana, pranayama and bandhas.
What is Somatic Yoga based on?
The somatic methods each emphasize the potential of our physical and bodily perception in their own way and, together with the deepening of experiential anatomy in yoga training, form a beneficial basis in which our bodily references are embodied more vividly and enjoyably and are understood in connection with feeling. An essential change of perspective in which the overemphasis on the perfect pose dissolves pleasantly into a subtle feeling in slow movement. The body's own movement is requested and (finally) becomes visible. The whole organism breathes and flows. Aspects of the trauma-sensitive and low-injury space in Somatic Yoga and Embodiment Yoga are integrated into this type of approach.
How does the Somatic Yoga practice look like?
The traditional postures and forms of yoga - asanas - combine in evenly flowing sequences - flows.
A continuous change of becoming and passing away. We then slow down the smooth flow of movement more and more, gathering and unfolding into and out of each asana, holding, releasing and creating anew. In this way, we immerse ourselves more and more in the fluid and moving depth of the body that once created this asana form.
Through Somatic Yoga, traditional asana series of yoga are expanded through organic and fluid movement sequences, the invitation to feel the body deeply is conveyed through the conscious somatic address of the fascial structures of the body, among other things, and enables a joyful and relaxed approach to the form.
When and how is it possible to explore Somatic Yoga at the Somatic Academy Berlin?
Get to know Somatic Yoga in weekly Somatic Yoga classes or deepen your practice in the professional training Somatic Yoga (Basic & Advanced training).

Marion Evers
Founder of the Somatic Academy Berlin, studied Theatre, French Linguistics & Political Science Cologne, Berlin, Marseille, M.A. "From Actor to Performer "1998, studies in Performance Arts, work in the field of directing/dramaturgy, speaker, moderator. The interest in a stronger integration of theory and practice leads to the foundation of the Somatic Academy, Embodiment Research, Body Phenomenological Foundations, Critical Somatics, Social Body & Body Politics in relation to somatic practices in their social and political relevance of "somatics" today.
Somatic Movement Educator (RSME/ISMETA), Somatic Yoga & Somatic Voice Trainer, Breath Therapist according to Prof. Ilse Middendorf, Yoga Teacher (BDY/EYU)
17€ | Drop-in | 50% reduced for SAB students
12€ | trial lession
50€ | monthly contract
150€ |Ten-pass
80€ | Five-pass
Please pay on site directly to the teacher.
BerlinZYS 4.OG
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | rear building in 2nd backyard
4th floor
Marion EversDaten
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | rear building in 2nd backyard
4th floor