Vocal Exploration & Voicing Ritual

EN | 1x week

What is this course about?

A touch of tribal energy, polyrhythms, polyphonies, a modern ritual that invites you to encounter the joy of mingling with voices.
Moreover, a safe environment, comfort and softness to enhance freedom and authenticity, to better connect to your voice, body and energy.
Stepping away from pre-conceived ideas of esthetic, based on Inclusive listening. Inviting people to do and enjoy rather than to think and judge.

What does the participation may causes?

  • Developing your creativity, positiveness and playfulness
  • Finding a space where to laugh, cry, be loud and strong and/or soft and gentle
  • Sending an invitation toward pleasure and self-confidence
  • Meeting yourself to better connect to the outside world

Which methods will be practiced?

  • Breathing exercises
  • vocal exploration
  • rhythms created by pulsation
  • individual and group improvisation
  • group harmony

The course language will be English and it will take place every tuesday. Please do not hesistate contacting Joris Camelin directly for more information or possibilities to register. 

Ausführliche Seminarinformationen


Joris Camelin ©O.Vaccaro.jpg

Joris Camelin


Joris Camelin is a French Dancer/Vocalist/teacher living in Berlin.
He has worked on international scene for the last 30 years with choreographer such as Meg Stuart and Laurent Chetouane.
Nowadays facilitating breathing, movement and voice Journeys around Europe. Committed to creating accessible, inclusive and nourishing practices, he is since years, sharing his energy and experience with groups of actors, dancers, disable people, architects, amateurs of all kinds...

Rediscovering the magic simplicity of the senses and using those to allow the emergence of an intimate, soft but powerful individual comfort zone. A continuous tending toward the consolidation and deepening of human exchanges.



please pay on site directly to the teacher


every Tuesday | 8:00pm - 10:00pm




SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor


Joris Camelin


SAB Studio 1
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 30
10999 Berlin | side building
1st backyard
4th floor