3h Body-Mind Centering® Berlin Workshop
With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in a physical structure, like the bones, allows one to discover qualities of movement, that are embodied within the structure such as stability, mobility or balance. Touch, somatization and movement are used.
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday or Sunday | 6:15 - 9:15pm
A regular BMC® practice can help to notice and overwrite old patterns and to find relieve for overloaded body structures. The experience of the alive and complex body can be supportive for everyday life. Body-Mind Centering® is a creative method where each class can vary in its structure depending on the theme of the class. It can be more calm or more active. A regular practice supports the development of the inner creative potentical, self-efficacy and self-agency. The sharing of the inner experience with others enables an experience of connectedness without loosing ones diference.
Each workshop can be booked individually. It will take place on Friday or Sunday 6:15-9:15pm.
Date | Location |
Friday, Mar 07th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 4. OG |
Friday, Apr 04th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 3. OG |
Friday, May 23th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 3. OG |
Sunday, June 22nd | Somatische Akademie, 1. HH, 4. OG |
Friday, Jul 04th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 3. OG |
Friday, Sep 19th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 4. OG |
Sunday, Oct 12th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 4. OG |
Sunday, Nov 16th | Somatische Akademie, 1. HH, 4. OG |
Friday, Dec 05th | Zentrum für Yoga & Stimme, 2. HH, 3. OG |
What does the workshop focus on?
In this three-hour format, we dive into the depths of our own experience. Somatization and hands-on based on a specific foci out of experiential anatomy and/or early childhood movement patterns invite everyone to reawaken their own bodily connection, to regenerate, to discover the joy of movement and to find their own creative potential in space alone and with others. Before ending with sharing with others, there will be time for movement, dance and other creative expression Each event picks up on the seasonal and social mood and looks for supporting and appropriate somatic themes.
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in April
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in May
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in June
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday or Sunday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in July
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in September
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in October
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Sunday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in November
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Sunday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...
Body-Mind Centering® Workshop in December
DE + EN | drop-in
3h Workshop Body-Mind Centering® | Friday | 1x Month With its somatic approach, Body-Mind Centering® focuses on the immersion into the anatomy of the body. The immersion in...

Heike Kuhlmann
MSME, BMC®-Practitioner, dancer, -educator, choreographer, MA Performance Studies/Choreography
Heike is interested in the unfolding process of human beings. It is more than the individual unfolding, but in how people can meet each other at eye level through personal development and inclusion of structural conditions in her somatic facilitations. Being a condition to become Critical Somatics. She accompanies somatic processes in individual sessions, courses, workshops and trainings. Activism and somatics are interwoven in her artistic work. More information on: www.somatik-tanz-choreographie.de, www.heikekuhlmann.net
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