1-day-workshop Atem-Tonus-Ton® - Voice from head to toe

1-day-workshop Atem-Tonus-Ton® - Voice from head to toe


Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal expression in connection with a well-toned and permeable body, the desire to show oneself (vocally), the holistic connection between voice and personality.

1-day-Workshop Atem-Tonus-Ton® | Saturday | 3x year

The workshop series Atem-Tonus-Ton® - Voice from head to toe, consists of 4 individual one-day workshops that take place once a quarter. It is possible to take part in individual dates, but participation in the entire series allows for a consecutive deepening and is recommended. The series will be repeated in 2025, so it is possible to participate in the entire series at any time.
The workshop series ATEM-TONUS-TON® - VOICE FROM FOOT TO HEAD consists of 3 individual one-day workshops. It is possible to take part in individual dates, but participation in the entire series allows you to build on each other and is recommended.

Dates, each Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  • March 08, 2025
  • September 27, 2025
  • November 15, 2025

By refining your breathing and body awareness, you will be able to use your voice confidently, powerfully and colorfully when speaking and singing.
The workshops focus on the process-oriented development of the voice in speech and singing.

What does the Workshop series focus on?

  • Feet, grounding, resistance and tonus work (March)
  • Permeability, flexibility of the vocal sound (September)
  • Personal expression (November)

Mar 08, 2025 - Feet, grounding, resistance and tonus work

  • In March, we start with the foundation.
Grounding, being rooted and the vital forces of the lower breathing space give our voice a strengthening foundation and prepare us to work on our tone and resistance.
We work holistically in a wide variety of movement and awareness exercises so that we can open up authentic access to our own voice and experience the body as an instrument of the voice.

Sep 27, 2025 - Permeability, flexibility of the vocal sound

  • In this module, we work on the permeability of our joint connections and fascial chains. Through perception and movement exercises, blockages are released; in this way, we open up space in the body for relaxation through sound. By connecting the breathing spaces, breath and sound can vibrate and spread freely.

Nov 15, 2025 - Personal expression

  • In November we revisit all the important elements of the Atem-Tonus-Ton® series. Starting with grounding, stance and alignment, we move on to breathing, body and movement exercises to work on tone in its many manifestations and effects. Permeability of the fascial chains and simultaneous strengthening of the horizontal planes, especially the connection of the three breathing spaces, make the body ready to be the instrument of our voice in speech and singing.
  • All of this promotes confidence in our voice and creativity and brings us to our personal expression in improvisation - vocally and physically. Voice from foot to head, The Embodied Voice!

All those interested in breathing and voice are invited.
These modules can be booked individually; it is not necessary to have attended the first modules.

Would you like to find out more about the somatic method Atem-Tonus-Ton®?

Then take a look at our description here.


Atem-Tonus-Ton® in September
Seminarleiter*inBettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in September

DE + EN | 1-day-workshop | 1x quarter

Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal...

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in November
Seminarleiter*inBettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Atem-Tonus-Ton® in November

DE + EN | 1-day-workshop | 1x quarter

Atem-Tonus-Ton®, Maria Höller-Zangenfeind's body-oriented voice work based on the principles of Perceptible Breath according to Ilse Middendorf. This is based on personal...


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Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt

Breathing and singing teacher, singer

Bettina Spreitz-Rundfeldt is a breathing and singing teacher and singer. In workshops and individual work, she combines her many years of singing pedagogical experience at the Berlin University of the Arts with her work as a breathing teacher, teacher of Atem-Tonus-Ton® and lecturer at the SAB in the continuing education Somatic Voice.

Her passion is to research body, breathing and movement work with singing people on the way to their embodied voice.


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