Feldenkrais Method
What is the Feldenkrais Method?
The Feldenkrais Method is a gentle movement- and perception-practice. It supports the ability to understand and change movement-habits. The underlying movement-sequences are rooted in developmental movements, in Judo and in daily life.
How does practicing the Feldenkrais Method look like?
Although the Feldenkrais Method is based on movement and despite its amazing effects on individual movement ability, it is not gymnastics. Rather, it is a method to learn learning. It facilitates access to unused capacities of our brain. Thereby, the Feldenkrais Method enables learning and development for the whole organism.
In the field of movement it creates ease, effortlessness, choices and skillfulness. It fosters economy, coordination and inner logic of individual movement.
Time to Move - Time to be still // Feldenkrais Method in Dance, Choreography & Performance
Workshop & module of the continuing education Emerge with Katja Münker
The conscious and multifaceted interplay of skeletal movement, perception, nervous system and alignment in space form the field of play in both the Feldenkrais Method and...
Bernhard Mumm
Feldenkrais Practitioner, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Sounder SleepTM Teacher, Naturopath
I am a Heilpraktiker (since 2000), Feldenkrais teacher (since 1995), Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (since 2019) as well as Sounder Sleep teacher (since 2010). I receive further impulses from the Asian healing and martial arts.
The focus of my practice is on body-oriented learning methods. Everything I offer aims to show people how to help themselves. My claim is to pick up each person where she/he is at the moment.
Katja Münker
Dance | Choreography | Performance | Somatics | Artistic Research | Walking Art | Mountain Hiking Guiding
Continuing education lecturer and director of Environmental Somatics and EMERGE/ Somatic in Dance at the Somatische Akademie Berlin. Member of the German Feldenkrais Association & ISMETA-registered RSME/RSMT/RSDE.
Trained as a physical therapist, Feldenkrais teacher, and mountain hiking guide, as well as in contemporary dance, (contact) improvisation, instant composition.
Conscious and embodied learning, the potential between individual freedom and collective inclusion in the environment, as well as joy, ease, and consciousness in the movement are the focus of her teaching. Her research-oriented practice is informed by deep-sensing investigation and reflecting evaluation. Beyond teaching her work includes performance projects, conference papers, and publications focusing on somatics and choreography, as well as on walking. Regular teaching at universities including FU Berlin, UdK Berlin, and HZT Berlin. Artistic research collaboration with AREAL_artistic research lab Berlin.
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