Roxana Galand
Roxana Galand
dancer, researcher, teacher
She investigates the body in dance as a field of personal and social transformation. Creates the system “Nature of Force in the Body and Dance”- NFCD which is developed in 5 branches: Alignment, Body Map, Weft Explorations, Basting Gravity and Classical Biology & Mystery. In 2014 she received the “Metropolitan Fund for Sciences and Arts” to publish a book about her research. Since 2023, she coordinates the Education in Research and Teaching in the NFCD system, which is carried out at its own school in Patagonia, Argentina. Since 1993 she has been working as a teacher sharing her research with teachers and researchers of art and health in Cuba, Mexico, Italy, Peru, Spain, France, Chile and Argentina. She has been creating projects and collective spaces since 2000. As a dancer she actively participates in the contemporary scene.